• Add Time to Your Day

    No commute, no waiting, faster more effective workouts. Then you can spend the rest of your day doing what you want!

  • Faster Weight Loss

    The #1 challenge with weight loss is consistency. With no commute it is easier to find time to get a workout in. This means you will have less skipped workouts and burn more calories per week which equals more weight loss, allowing you to fit back into your teenage clothes!

  • Greater Strength Gains

    Without having to search for, wait for, or having to walk across a warehouse to find your equipment you can shorten rest time. This increased intensity will yield greater strength gains. You'll be wandering how strong you would be if you had higher intensity workouts from the beginning!

  • Decrease Stress

    No one will come up to you and interrupt your workout, no crowded spaces, no bad smells from your peers. You will be floating on cloud 9 after your workout!

  • Increased Focus

    You will have less distractions and be able to listen to music you enjoy which is proven to increase focus.

  • Get Sick Less

    Many people don't wash their hands or clean their equipment after sweating all over. These germs attack your body when it's at its weakest and distracted repairing muscle damage from your workout. With your own gym you don't have to worry about catching something someone else has!